Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Studio Diary: Wednesday, 1st July; Day 8

This is starting to become tiresome ha! But, we are now on post TWENTY.
And it's the FIRST of July!

TODAY I woke up, listened to The Spinto Band, Patrick Watson, Why?, Plan B; respectively. Then wanted some Scroobius Pip and Dan le Sac but couldn't find them on my PC.

Went to Denis' at 2pm and we fixed up Song 3 (mixing but not quite mixing) until 11pm.
During these 8 hours:

- The electricity went off numerous times
- Denis and I blew the heads of Zombies on a game called 'Resistance'?
- Theo re-did his entire piano
- Awesome tapping going on, shit was off the hook
- We made a Re-Do chart (below) w/awesome life-like drawings of us.
- Found out Natalie Portman is not who she appears to be
- Filmed a bunch of stuff
- I got a haircut
- Some great quotes going on; my favourite from Denis being 'If you think that's in time then you need to go back to time school motherfucker'
- Went 'Victory Pint' and had a hotdog w/ alcohol

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