And so it comes, the last day of August. It is quite depressing since this process will be coming to an end soon. When I leave, I entrust the making of the cover and mastering to the guys since I won't be here. Then we send them off.
I was meant to arrive at Denis' at 10, but got here at 11; alcohol, bad times. I actually woke at 8 to take my nan to the supermarket to buy a kettle. Literally there for an hour, was death. Then I had to go pay the electricity bill, so slept for an hour before goin Denis'. I arrived and we polished Ashley up a bit, then I went to sleep for an hour again. On awaking we went to the bakery and bought sausage rolls, doughnuts, cereal. Came back and watched some American Dad before beginining work on Ochre.
We broke for lunchand came back around 6 - 7pm. Mario koined us and we sat with our laptops, pcs and so on like a bunch of geeks. Music is sounding better all the time. Mario said the screams sound like a 'dying fetus'. I found out that Mario said if we don't get anywhere different by January he will take us all out for the BIGGEST meal of our lives in the most expensive place; this is his way of saying we are going to do it... He got paid for his work yesterday but at this moment in time it's a cheque; 'I got a 703 euro cheque I can't do fuck with'. At times during mixing I get a little bored and rifle through Denis' possessions. Today I struck GOLD. I found a Metallica song book, with tabs for their biggest hits! Boo yah! I vow to learn it completely by the time the album is done. I now know the beginnings to Master of Puppets and One. Will keep you updated on my progress;
'Where's Lars Ulrich from?'
'That's CRAZY'
'Yeah, I know right, Denmark has people?!?!'
Denis wants to point out that our music is best listened to on earphones, to fully enjoy the abuse of left and right. He then pointed out that 'Theo sounds like an ocean and [he] sounds like an owl'. On asking how long till we're done I was told we are still doing the 'janitorial work' of the mixing process. Win.
We left at 12ish, and as soon as I got home collapsed onto my bed since we have 8am tomorrow.