Hey folks, It's been awhile.
Alot has gone down... ok basically, firstly, I want to apologise for this not being updated.
Also, I have not got round to the rest of the Austria trip blog, and I can't see it happening anytime soon, since I now cannot remember half of it. All you need to know, is it went very well! Great reception! Had a BLAST with Blynd! And a good ole time. There is video footage but it has yet to come out. The suspense its RIDICULOUS, I know.
I have noticed we have a follower! HA I will check them/you out after this blog is written but that is quite awesome.
We have a gig this Thursday with a cool band called Without - I. Look them up. We are playing at Club Red in Nicosia, this Thursday, 28th May. Sadly, I am unable to perform and it's such a bummer. I'm sure it'll go down splendid though, well hopefully. Club Red was our first gig, and though it was great fun, let's hope this one is nothing like that one :)
We have a YouTube account now! Waheeey!
So expect more videos coming your way.
After this gig, we will be taking a break from shows and concentrating on laying down the new album. It should be done by summer... I'm gonna say end of towards the fall/autumn because you never know... There is a little promotional trailer, the first of maybe 2 or 3 up in order to celebrate this endeavour! It features music (incomplete - to an extent) which should be on the new record (aren't you lucky) and footage of Austria and us generally frolicking about!
It's kinda cool, WATCH IT at this link:
Sorry about quality..
I head back to Cyprus soon where we will begin working on the album and concept artwork. Once it is done we plan on making a demo with a couple tracks on to give to labels, wish us luck!
This is pretty much it now before we go into hibernation.
I will update much more often when I'm back with the band!
Hope everything is perfect at home and in your lives.
Michael x