hey guys! last time I wrote I said I'd write again after the gig on the 5th...
I'm a little late
The gig was a success! Positive feedback all around, turnout was good, sound was not bad at all... enjoyed it entirely! Made some mistakes but that just means more practice! :)
Since then we've all taken a little break. I am back at Uni over in the UK and the others are getting stuck in with their school work, and Chris is working.
February is just around the corner and we are going to start working on a small promo pack for our Austria date. We will decide what songs to choose and then lay that shit down! We have a good 2 months ahead so hopefully time will not choose to make fools of us.
We announced our Austria gig on the 5th. We will be heading for Linz along with top Cypriot bands Blynd and Low On Saturn! It will be insane! Videos and pictures of EPIC proportions! You can see more on the event hereherehere:
EinDutzendEuropa.pdf (application/pdf Object)
posthof - zeitkultur am hafen: Low On Saturn / Blynd / ScarletSnowPrelude
Go ahead and click the links. It's mostly in Austrian, but there is a pretty groovy picture of us.
We have been taking lots of pictures for our album art and will be doing more in Austria.
Lastly, we have had a review printed on the gig in the island's biggest paper: The Cyprus Weekly. Literally half a page with a great photo of us! Check it out! I will post the review up when i get the time!
Thanks to everyone who supports us.
You have no idea how much we appreciate it!
Michael x