we have a NEW DOWNLOADABLE EP out.
you can DOWNLOAD it at scarletsnowprelude.com.
it contains THREE TRACKS and EP ARTWORK.
you can also download them from our MYSPACE at myspace.com/scarletsnowprelude.com
we ALSO have a new DVD PROMO OUT.
it is at the beginning of this blog!!
VIEW it here also: youtube.com/user/ScarletSnowPreludeCY or vimeo.com/9319269
the track playing is Give Them Cairo. See above to download it for free.
there is tonnes more footage from everything we do (and other moments in years past) which we are compiling together in order to one day release a DVD. From interviews to live shows, practices to just having fun. For now, enjoy the previews!
we also have a new website!!
it is still an ongoing process so maybe there will be minor errors
but these are FORGIVABLE! :)
we have ONE MORE follower!! oh yes. It has been awhile since I've updated this blog! And promise to do so more often. I always say that. But yes all is good at the moment! We've been doing our own things for the past month whilst slowly working on making contacts in the industry! We all move to the UK officially in 2010! So expect gigsgigsgigs!!!!
we have a new tshirt coming out so keep an eye out for that!
an email will be sent out! thanks for following us and supporting us up until now!
and don't forget to download the new tracks :) its freeee!
love ScarletSnowPrelude x
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
Sunday, 6 December 2009
NEW NEWS October/November/December
Latest and Greatest 10/11/12/2009
I am back in Cyprus after spending the last 2 months at university. During that time I've been sending out our demos and trying to contact pepole.
The guys have been in Cyprus, mixing up to 14 hours a day!! you can follow their progress on Twitter (www.twitter.com/SSPband)!
Mario is working lots but has pretty much got his head round website designing (a whole lot better than me). so within the next couple weeks the site will be going under maintenence and be back fresher than ever, and looking REALLY pro. don't forget to sign up!
We have pretty much done mixing songs and have made a CD to send out to labels etc. It is mixed to slight content and we are constantly working on it. It is mastered-ish and needs a full going over. However it is fine to listen to now. :) So now it's practice practice practice over the next couple months before we gig this album to shreds.
We have made a few exclusive copies - a pre promo, with a unique cover to send off to some names we have come into contact with in the industry and some bands. We've had positive feedback and feel we are heading in a cool direction, constantly needs improving and changes but thats the best part of it. Will keep you up to date on whats happening through, newsletters, so sign up!
We should have a gig this Xmas hols so be sure to keep an eye out for that! We'll be whoring it no doubt, and will send a bulletin to members. Over the hols, we plan on doing a couple 'guerilla' acoustic shows, be sure to check that out, and hopefully make another preview for the DVD with music and talking, god this is exciting. New site will have some more music on it, keep you on tenterhooks.

WE had our first practice yesterday! We left at 7am, Mario in his pyjamas in the pouring rain. Was good fun! The first run through was pretty awful - not gonna lie! But by the end of the day it was sounding much better. We made a short walk to the sea where we spoke about universities and drug dealers and then made a trip to the bakery where mario bought enough mini sausage rolls to last him a life time. We listened to Jack Johnson and Converge in the car. The rain was so heavy on the way home I couldn't even see the road out the window and was shitting it. The guys loved it though, with Mario taking pictures on his Blackberry; Denis telling him to label the album Gossip Boy, with us on the Upper East Side of Larnaca.
Next practice should be tomorrow!
I am back in Cyprus after spending the last 2 months at university. During that time I've been sending out our demos and trying to contact pepole.
The guys have been in Cyprus, mixing up to 14 hours a day!! you can follow their progress on Twitter (www.twitter.com/SSPband)!
Mario is working lots but has pretty much got his head round website designing (a whole lot better than me). so within the next couple weeks the site will be going under maintenence and be back fresher than ever, and looking REALLY pro. don't forget to sign up!
We have pretty much done mixing songs and have made a CD to send out to labels etc. It is mixed to slight content and we are constantly working on it. It is mastered-ish and needs a full going over. However it is fine to listen to now. :) So now it's practice practice practice over the next couple months before we gig this album to shreds.
We have made a few exclusive copies - a pre promo, with a unique cover to send off to some names we have come into contact with in the industry and some bands. We've had positive feedback and feel we are heading in a cool direction, constantly needs improving and changes but thats the best part of it. Will keep you up to date on whats happening through, newsletters, so sign up!
We should have a gig this Xmas hols so be sure to keep an eye out for that! We'll be whoring it no doubt, and will send a bulletin to members. Over the hols, we plan on doing a couple 'guerilla' acoustic shows, be sure to check that out, and hopefully make another preview for the DVD with music and talking, god this is exciting. New site will have some more music on it, keep you on tenterhooks.
WE had our first practice yesterday! We left at 7am, Mario in his pyjamas in the pouring rain. Was good fun! The first run through was pretty awful - not gonna lie! But by the end of the day it was sounding much better. We made a short walk to the sea where we spoke about universities and drug dealers and then made a trip to the bakery where mario bought enough mini sausage rolls to last him a life time. We listened to Jack Johnson and Converge in the car. The rain was so heavy on the way home I couldn't even see the road out the window and was shitting it. The guys loved it though, with Mario taking pictures on his Blackberry; Denis telling him to label the album Gossip Boy, with us on the Upper East Side of Larnaca.
Next practice should be tomorrow!
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
END of STUDIO DIARY; on my part.

OK. Basically, I've left the country now. And it was me writing these accounts and since I'm not there I can only give you 'the bread' i.e. what is happening. I cannot give you 'the butter' i.e. the funny little quotes that make this worth reading (if at all). HOWEVER the butter may be found on TWITTER. Visit it and follow us. We can be found as 'SSPband'. Also the Twitter is on the side of the blog (to your right) so yeah!
Before I left we had the site out and the new promo. Since then it has been back to mixing. Mainly on Denis' part. I think he prefers doing it alone at times? Theo and Mario are working jobs but whenever they have the time they go by to work with Denis. Me? Well I can't do much, but I've taken it upon myself these next 2 months to network and whore ourselves as much as possible. Basically get contacts for when the album is done! Not what you know; who you know.
We will be together around december again for a couple shows hopefully :D
I reckon you should se some new material in a month or so. But don't bet your life on it. The procedure needs care and time. The blog will be update every so often, every couple weeks? to give you the lowdown on what is happening!
Take care and thanks for following all summer!
Michael xx
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Studio Diary: Tuesday, 15th September; WWW.SCARLETSNOWPRELUDE.COM
Our DVD promo and our website were released two days ago, involving myself and denis staying up till 5 in the morning. After fixing everything we lost and making the DVD better we then transfered the files another (shittier) pc since denis' did not render. This took forever and involved Nazi Zombies and bakery trips, but we were adamant on finishing it that night; 'we don't fuck around'.
The next day I spent all morning polishing the site, and was left with only the backgrounds to do. Mario then came over in the afternoon with his girlfriend and we worked on fixing it up. We succeeded and then I spent the next couple hours polishing once more. The guys had gone to the pub and I finalized the site before heading there. We sat and drank to our hearts content when it started to pour down with rain. We all decided to go swimming!! at midnight!! I was soaked and freezing but the sea was warm. I got home and then found out I was meant to be taking Denis home and had left him.
With site and video a gogo we launched it the next day, whoring the shit out of it. Response and feedback was GREAT! With even more inspiration now we are set on completeing the tracks! We will put 3 songs up for free download along with another 3 gap songs (acoustic versions). The other 6 songs and 6 gap songs will not be released until we get some sort of backing to release an album.
That night we went out to celebrate with a drink and then continued onto limassol roundabout to practice gap songs amidst the natural reverb of the underground walkways! Fuelled by Red Bull we ended up leaving at 4 in the morning!
VISIT: www.scarletsnowprelude.com
Friday, 11 September 2009
Studio Diary: 1st - 11th September; Daysss
This past week has been pretty hectic. It seems the seeds we once planted have now grown tall into ripe fruit bearing trees. The seeds being our efforts and the tree being the result. Ripe fruit; good results.
1st - 11th: PROMO
We took a break from mixing and have spent the last week working on the next DVD promo. It should've been out 2 - 3 days ago but it seems fate has another plan for us. After near completing the promo, the file crashed, and we were unable to open it up! Why didn't we back it up I hear you say?? Well I think we did (or didn't), we always back everything up (god forbid we should lose the tracks) but it seems we had no options; Adobe Premiere rearing its head back and letting out a blood curdling laugh. These past two days then have involved Denis reinstalling EVERYTHING (well not everything) and beginning again. How annoying. Well hopefully we will be finished with the damned thing tonight! And you will all be able to see the work we put in through a really cool montage, layered with our music! The likes of which will leave you gasping for more.
The mixing of vocals is still an on-going process, but I think we are passing the halfway mark. We have been playing with different plug-ins to make them sound 'sweeter than your mum's sweet-pie' according to Denis. On observing Denis' handy work at one point I asked him what will that do, pointing at a button/plug-in/knob, to which he replied: 'this Michael, will sound like if you picked up a kitten, held it to your mouth and sang through it'. And he was right. I also learnt about double knobs. This week involved many illustrious quotes and humurous moments. One of which being when I thought Van Burren was called Van Helden for some reason, and kept calling him by that until I was corrected (and laughed at). One of our songs we established can only be described as 'Van Burren walking around in India with sunglasses on'; next music video I think? Also, the week revealed Theo reaching completely new levels of. And lastly wonderous tales about sharting (a word introduced to us by Mario) and I leave the rest to your imagination.
The website is coming along just dandy. We have bought a domain and a host! So hopefully that will be up tonight along with the promo. Both are coming out together, and we are sorry for the delay. If not tonight, you can bet your sweet ass it'll be tomorrow.
Afterwards, we will get straight back to the music, so we can a couple tracks out there for you. For the time being we hope you enjoy the promo and hopefully the tracks on it will give you an idea of how the process is going/sounding.
Monday, 31 August 2009
Studio Diary: Monday, 31st August; Day 37
And so it comes, the last day of August. It is quite depressing since this process will be coming to an end soon. When I leave, I entrust the making of the cover and mastering to the guys since I won't be here. Then we send them off.
I was meant to arrive at Denis' at 10, but got here at 11; alcohol, bad times. I actually woke at 8 to take my nan to the supermarket to buy a kettle. Literally there for an hour, was death. Then I had to go pay the electricity bill, so slept for an hour before goin Denis'. I arrived and we polished Ashley up a bit, then I went to sleep for an hour again. On awaking we went to the bakery and bought sausage rolls, doughnuts, cereal. Came back and watched some American Dad before beginining work on Ochre.
We broke for lunchand came back around 6 - 7pm. Mario koined us and we sat with our laptops, pcs and so on like a bunch of geeks. Music is sounding better all the time. Mario said the screams sound like a 'dying fetus'. I found out that Mario said if we don't get anywhere different by January he will take us all out for the BIGGEST meal of our lives in the most expensive place; this is his way of saying we are going to do it... He got paid for his work yesterday but at this moment in time it's a cheque; 'I got a 703 euro cheque I can't do fuck with'. At times during mixing I get a little bored and rifle through Denis' possessions. Today I struck GOLD. I found a Metallica song book, with tabs for their biggest hits! Boo yah! I vow to learn it completely by the time the album is done. I now know the beginnings to Master of Puppets and One. Will keep you updated on my progress;
'Where's Lars Ulrich from?'
'That's CRAZY'
'Yeah, I know right, Denmark has people?!?!'
Denis wants to point out that our music is best listened to on earphones, to fully enjoy the abuse of left and right. He then pointed out that 'Theo sounds like an ocean and [he] sounds like an owl'. On asking how long till we're done I was told we are still doing the 'janitorial work' of the mixing process. Win.
We left at 12ish, and as soon as I got home collapsed onto my bed since we have 8am tomorrow.
Studio Diary: Sunday, 30th August; Day 36
If you put all the days together, we've pretty much been working on these tracks for over a month now. Intense. Today we decided to take a little break from mixing and worked on some of the video footage for the next DVD promo.
The DVD will not be out for a while yet, since its going to take forever and much needs to be done, so hopefully these promos will tide you over for the time being. Also when the album is completed it will not be out for awhile since we are going label hunting, but like the promos we will put a couple songs up for you to get a taster!
Website is pretty much designed, but since my Dreamweaver has crashed, I am unable to finish it. Going to fix my laptop over the next few days and hopefully the site should be up in a months time? maybe sooner. Then you can listen to us and watch the promos on our actual site as opposed to myspace.
The promo looks good, and will have a rough mix of Ashley over it I think, only a small section though. Don't wanna ruin it for you. It is basically the recording of the album chapter, with us larking around and looking all serious.
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